
Idaho Falls Post 56


Contact Us

Want information about our Post? Please contact us. We will make every effort to respond to you as soon as possible.

E-mail Us: 

Officer Name eMail
Commander Robert (Bob) Skinner Commander@IdahoFallsPost56.org
1st Vice Commander John Gentry Commander@IdahoFallsPost56.org
2nd Vice Commander Paul Voelker Commander@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Adjutant Al Arnold Adjutant@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Chaplain Joe Behling Chaplain@Idah@oFallsPost56.org
Sargent At Arms Rich Zopff SargentAtArms@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Quartermaster Robert (Bob) Casagrande Quartermaster@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Finance Officer Richard Kersley FinanceOfficer@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Service Officer Mike Frost ServiceOfficer@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Activities Office TBD ActivitiesOfficer@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Newsletter TBD Newsletter@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Webmaster Robert (Bob) Casagrande Webmaster@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Calendar TBD Calendar@IdahoFallsPost56.org
Build Maintenance Art Gimpel BuildingMaint@IdahoFallsPost56.org



Telephone Us with your inquiries:  (type in your Post telephone number here)

Our Post Web Site is: IdahoFallsPost56.org

Our Post welcomes your input. Forward your comments, opinions, ideas on how to improve our website. Send us your photos, notices of special events, your fundraisers and other items of interest that enhance the quality of life for the citizens of our community.

Our Post, at it's sole discretion, will publish your contributions we feel are merited.